Monday, April 18, 2011

Mason Bee House Assignment

1) Waterproof, weatherproof and sheltered from the elements (ie cold winds, snow)
2) Keeps cocoons safe from large predators: skunks, raccoons, woodpeckers
3) Keeps cocoons safe from tiny predators: mites and parasitic wasps
4) Has a way to be attached to the (south)east side of a building or architectural structure.
5) Has a way for bees to orient themselves to their home hole so they don't end up in a fight.
6) Allows the cocoons to breathe in wet weather and not get mouldy.
7) Opens up so that it can be cleaned and sanitized in November and easily reassembled for the spring.
8) The tunnels are made with a material that the bees have traction to navigate and turn inside the tubes without slipping.
9) The materials are ecologically sound and safe for the bees.

Bonus points for:
1) A safe compartment for cleaned cocoons
2) A predator guard
3) A really cool name
4) A really cool sign
5) A visible home so that you can monitor the bees at work
6) A way you can modify the home for summer mason bees and/or leaf cutter bees
7) Building a condo or a model of your design

The Assignment 
Step 1: Do the research and choose your favorite designs for inspiration.
Step 2: Start sketching some ideas.
Step 3: Decide which materials you would use.
Step 4: Vote on one design in your group or organically collaborate and create one design.
Step 5: Break the presentation down into five parts and decide who will present on how your design meets the criteria.
Step 6: Write your part of the presentation and create visual aids.
Step 7: Give the presentation. Use visual aids.

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